Cohort One wrap up Accelerate phase in London

The six climate not-for-profits in Subak UK’s Cohort One have just completed the first 3 months of the Accelerator. From May 27th to 29th, we gathered with our UK cohort in our Waterloo office for 3 days of learning, celebrating success, and reflecting on the past 3 months. 

Since March, these teams have attended fortnightly workshops, benefited from top-tier mentor support, and enjoyed 1-to-1 sessions with the Subak team. From launching MVPs, to refining their business strategy and successfully fundraising, they’ve been incredibly busy and we’re so proud of what they’ve accomplished.  

We rounded off the 3 days with a reflection session, during which the cohort brainstormed how the past 3 months had impacted their head, heart and hands. We loved to hear that the cohort have felt “supported”, “part of a community”, and appreciated the avenue to connect with other founders on a similar journey. They talked about being inspired by their fellow cohort members, and mentioned the value of 1-to-1 support from the Subak team, particularly with data. We finished the exercise by asking the cohort what they will take forward with them as they graduate from Accelerate. Lots of people mentioned the importance of collaboration over the coming months, both with other organisations in the Subak community, as well as with external partners.

Subak will be supporting Cohort One to develop these collaborations over the next 6 months of the Accelerator - the Grow phase. Grow is a 6 month engagement designed to support climate not-for-profits to prepare to scale. During the coming months, we’ll support these organisations to develop their business structures and funding strategy, map their data in the Data Catalogue, streamline their operations for scale, and increase their ability to reach decision-makers and influencers to create genuine climate impact. A big part of Grow is the emphasis on peer-to-peer learning and skill-sharing, so we’re very glad to see that this cohort is already highlighting the value of being part of the ever-growing Subak community

It’s been great to see the amazing progress that Cohort One has accomplished and I’m so excited to see what they can achieve over the next 6 months during Grow. The members have built a really strong foundation during this time and we’re looking forward to continuing to support them as they scale and increase their impact.
— Joanna Chan, Accelerator Programme Lead .

Want to join our next cohort of climate not-for-profit startups across our locations in Europe and Australia? Register your interest below.


Introducing our latest cohort of Fellows unlocking & sharing climate data


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