The risks of not giving nature a seat at the table
This blog post is written by Subak’s Accelerator Cohort 1 Member AimHi Earth. AimHi Earth are guided by their mission to accelerate nature-centric decision-making and our vision of a world where nature has a seat at every boardroom, political and kitchen table.

Digital Energy to deliver a Sustainable and fair future for all
The second blog of our Subak Climate Summit series summarises some of the key discussion points from the talk by Professor David Healey: ‘Replacing baseload coal and gas for power generation’.

What can for-profit and for-more-than-profit start-ups learn from one another in the climate space?
The first blog of our Subak Climate Summit series summarises some of the key discussion points from the panel ‘what can for-profit and not-for-profit startups learn from one another in the climate space’, chaired by Bridget Gildea.

Introducing: Subak’s 2022 Climate Summit in London
We are delighted to announce that we will be hosting the inaugural Subak Climate Summit in London this October. The Climate Summit aims to connect for-profit and not-for-profit organisations, in order to foster collaboration between disconnected spaces and boost awareness on often neglected areas of climate change.

Reflecting on Earth Day 2022 with the Subak community
Subak’s community seeks to accelerate climate action in manifold ways, always underpinned by data. We’ve brought together three representatives from our community to illuminate what Earth Day 2022 and ‘investing in our planet’ means to them, and how to stay positive and empowered in the face of gloomy climate news.

Tributaries: Data Stewardship and Justice with Vinay Narayan of Aapti Institute
I’m Maisie Kemp, Marketing & Communications Associate at Subak. Last month I had the opportunity to speak with Vinay Narayan, Senior Research Associate at Aapti Institute. Join us as we chat about the work Aapti does, data stewardship, climate justice, accessibility of technology and data, and the importance of grounding data in lived experience to gain rich insight.

Meet our latest cohort of Fellows working on climate data
One of the things that’s inspiring at Subak is having the chance to meet a group of people who are trying to do something to tackle climate change. It isn’t every day you get the chance to meet people inspired by a mission; and have the opportunity to help them along in that mission.

How can climate startups understand and influence policy? The key is radical collaboration, authenticity and data
A few weeks back we co-hosted a panel event at Sustainable Workspaces: “Guerrilla policy change - how startups can understand and influence climate policy”. The conversation between panellists was hugely insightful for any startups thinking about their position in the policy landscape. We’ve put together a TL;DR for those who couldn’t make it, filled with actionable tips on how startups can influence climate policy.

Introducing our latest cohort of not-for-profit climate startups
Last week we welcomed six incredible not-for-profits onto the Accelerator. To kick off the programme, we enjoyed three busy and inspiring days of talks, workshops, and events in our office in Waterloo.

Keeping 1.5 degrees alive? Subak’s take on COP26
With the imperative task of “keeping 1.5 degrees alive” at the forefront, it’s fair to say there was a lot riding on Glasgow’s COP26. This year’s COP marked five years since the Paris Agreement, so it was particularly important as countries were due to submit their updated nationally determined contributions in order to align with a 1.5 degree target. The question on everyone’s mind, then, as the dust begins to settle on negotiations: “Was COP26 a success?” We put together a few of our thoughts across various focus areas, as well as gathering responses from Subak’s Cohort Zero community.