Fellow Spotlight: Alvin Chan
Our Fellow Spotlight series focuses on showcasing the work of our Fellows. This time, I spoke with Alvin Chan. Alvin’s Fellowship project is focused on building an open-source, unbiased website allowing any consumer to see the cost & energy savings from adopting combinations of low carbon technologies. Join us as we discuss low carbon technologies, energy bills, the Fellowship experience, and more.
Fellow Spotlight: Abhayraj Naik
Our Fellow Spotlight series focuses on showcasing the work of our Fellows. This time, I spoke with Abhayraj Naik. Abhayraj’s Fellowship project is focused on creating a data-driven decision-support tool for energy policymakers in India. Join us as we discuss the energy transition in India, the Fellowship experience, and more.

Fellowship Spotlight: Dr. Dominic McAfee
In this segment, we are excited to be sharing the incredible work of our fellows! Each year, Subak Australia award fellowships to individuals working on innovative, data-driven climate projects! Our first spotlight segment is a conversation with Dr. Dominic McAfee.

Fellow Spotlight: Christina Last
Our Fellow Spotlight series focuses on showcasing the work of our Fellows. This time, I spoke with Christina Last, who recently joined Subak’s latest global Fellowship cohort. Christina’s project will develop a machine learning model that predicts the concentration of short-lived climate pollutants (PM10), which can be used to identify and build evidence to reduce pollution and emissions.

Fellow Spotlight: Eirini Malliaraki
Our Fellow Spotlight series focuses on showcasing the work of our Fellows. This time, I sat down with Eirini Malliaraki, who is finalising her Fellowship project which looks at ecosystem mapping of open digital infrastructure for climate action.

Fellow Spotlight: Olof Nordenstam
Join us as we discuss the Fellowship experience, low carbon power, and Olof’s insight about working at the intersection of climate and data.

Fellow Spotlight: Keenan Johnson
Join us as we sit down with Keenan, a Subak Fellow, to discuss the Fellowship experience, his project and insight on the climate startup space.