300+ members working across the UK India Poland Belgium Germany Australia Switzerland Indonesia Austria
Uncharted Waters
Uncharted Waters harnesses the power of real-time data - through a ‘Digital Twin’ of the global food system- to enhance water and food security in a changing climate.
The Good Rating
The Good Rating provides quantitative, bias-free data rating the sustainability of supermarket products and brands.
Open Corridor
Open Corridor supports a safe and just corridor for people and the planet. Their science-based impact management tools provide an end-to-end solution for building resilience in communities, the economy and the environment.
Surfers for Climate
Surfers for Climate is a sea-roots movement dedicated to mobilising and empowering surfers for continuous and positive climate action. Surfers for Climate has continued to grow, with thousands of people from the surfing community across Australia coming together to take off on the party wave of climate action and become part of the solution to the climate crisis.
Parents for Climate
Parents for Action is Australia’s leading climate advocacy organisation for parents, carers, families and all who care about a safe future for kids. Founded in 2019 by six regional, rural and urban mums in four states and territories, they've grown rapidly to fill a critical gap in the climate movement.
Wider Community